Welcome to this directory-based website with all kinds of outdoor education resources to help you implement Learning in the Natural Environment (LiNE).

We’ve spent countless hours sifting through many hundreds of websites relating to Learning in the Natural Environment and here’s the best of them! Whatever you call your branch of outdoor education you’ll find something here (think Outdoor Education/ Learning in the Natural Environment (LiNE)/ Nature Pedagogy/ Forest Schools/ Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC)/ Learning in nature/ Outdoor Classroom: Yes, I know they’re all slightly different (see here) but let’s ignore that for now!). They are all sorted into categories for you, and no, although this website was originally made for teachers in York schools, there are tons of resources for use in any outdoor environment across the UK or otherwise. Please let me know of any dead links or if you know of any good resource you’d like to share. If you’d like to know about my research into LiNE in York just see the brief findings here or see the website set up to accompany the research at OutdoorEducationInYork.UK. For the sake of setting the ‘mood’ of the website here’s a couple of clips about learning outside the classroom. The first is from the Natural Connections Demonstration Project which was a 4 year study into learning in the natural environment which involved 125 schools and 40,000 students! The second video is from the Wild Network an is the trailer to a much larger film on BBC iPlayer. But, if you’re not into that, and just want the resources then click on the category you want at the top or side of any page!